Understanding steam % : the toasties challenge

The hardest part of using a combisteam oven without sensors, is determining the volume of steam in each recipe.

Steam, as we know it, is wet. Some call it ‘pure’ steam. We use steam in the combisteam oven in place of boiling on the stove. So, when we boil eggs on the stove, we steam eggs in the combisteam oven. Similarly, with rice and pasta and so on. That is easy.

Introducing steam at higher temperatures than the above ‘wet’ steam of 100c and under. We are now so high tech in the kitchen that we have a thing engineers use in their work: it is called ‘superheated steam’. Aka grilling with steam. This amazing feature keeps our food moist while charring the exterior, resulting in crunchy outsides and moist insides. Think chicken wings, chicken breasts, pizza crusts, kebab/satay sticks, schnitzels, crumbed prawns, meat balls, and so on. Yes, ZUG owners, baked ice creams too.


So, here is the challenge; we grilled toasties on superheated steam at 230c for 5 minutes, in three ovens. What would your guess be, in terms of volume of steam to attain crispy toasts while retaining the moisture in the middle, so your toasties won’t dry out like biscuits/cookies?

Low, medium or high steam? or, in percentages: 10%, 50%, 80% or 100%?

[showhide type=”pressrelease” more_text=”Show Answer ” less_text=”Hide Answer” hidden=”yes”] High Steam or 100%

Because, steam at high temperatures isn’t soggy :)[/showhide]

If you get this right, you have mastered the concept of superheated steam in the combisteam oven application. Doesn’t make you an engineer but surely, an excellent combsteamer 🙂

If not, you will, when you wrap your head around the answer 🙂

Balance, we seek.; well browned on the left and browning on the underside must show as well.
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